"Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals & happiness.”
-Thomas Jefferson
It all starts with a dream.
Our farm is a small venture at the moment. Situated on just over half an acre, many would not even call us a farm. But even a tree starts from a seed, likewise, my dream of owning a family farm starts here. By providing my community with poultry, produce and various other products, my goal is to put everything I get out of this into the future of Metzger Haus Farm.
Our Responsibility
As inhabitants of this planet, we have a moral obligation to protect and maintain the environment. Not just ours, but the environments of all living creatures on the planet. In following that belief, I take every measure possible to ensure that any animal or plant in my care is given the optimal life I can provide it. I choose to use only certified organic pesticides in my gardens, and only as a last resort if an infestation cannot be controlled by other means. My chickens and ducks are able to free range and feed on vegetation in a large open portion of our property. As well, the are fed a pellet feed formulated to ensure they maintain a proper nutrient level. Overall on the farm, we use every resource we can. composting scraps and manure, and finding new uses for old or worn out items.